Our union is stronger with a well-trained activist core. That's why we are dedicated to providing high-quality training and leadership development for all leaders in our union. Currently, we are able to offer workshops and sessions to all locals in our council. To request a training for your local, browse through our array of education programs below and click the "Request A Training" button. If you are requesting a coordinator-led training, please fill out the form at least two months in advance.
Stewards Training
Participants will learn the following:
- Role and responsibilities of stewards
- Understanding your rights at the worksite
- How to write a grievance
- Understanding your contract
- Duty of fair representation
Officer/Leadership Training
Officer/Leadership training topics include:
- Union History and Union structure
- How to run a local union meeting
- High performing locals and political action
- Organizing and communication structures
- Organizing around workplace issues
Advanced Stewards Training
This training will provide a process for:
- How to work with the members after receiving their NOAA
- Putting together the response for the Skelly meeting
This training is for stewards only and includes conducting a mock Skelly presentation.
STEWARDS: Looking for more videos and documents that can help you represent your coworkers, organize your workplace and produce effective communications? Check out our Resources for Stewards.
Know Your Rights
This workshop focuses on the following topics:
- Weingarten: The Right to Representation
- Skelly: Due Process
- Collective Bargaining Rights
- Protection from concerted activity
- Union leave, security, access
Grievance Handling
This workshop will provide stewards with the full basics of filing a grievance, which include:
- What is a grievance/complaint?
- The five W's: Who, What, When, Where, Why
- Working with a member on filing the grievance
- Writing the grievance
- Understanding the steps of the grievance process
- Working with staff reps
- Process for taking grievance to arbitration
Treasurers Training
This training will give guidance to local/chapter treasurers in managing the funds of their jurisdiction. Topics will include:
- Reporting
- Authorization of expenditures
- Documentation
- Maintaining records
Negotiations Training
Training topics will include:
- Bargaining Terms
- Building an inclusive bargaining team
- Analyzing your union and your employer
- Your role on the team
- Using bargaining to build your union
- Bargaining simulation