Thousands of AFSCME Jobs to Benefit from Major CA Transportation Bill

The multibillion dollar transportation bill that the California State Legislature recently passed to fix our state’s crumbling roads and bridges is a huge boon for AFSCME members.

The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1) will dedicate $52.4 billion over 10 years to road, bridge and freeway repairs — as well as transit projects — by raising fuel taxes and vehicle registration fees. There have been alarming shortfalls of $59 billion for the state highway system and $78 billion to maintain the network of local streets and roads.

The money would be split between local and state governments, and it will fund thousands of AFSCME jobs in public works, transit and planning departments across the region. The funds will also make it easier for all our members to get where we need to go.

SB 1 will send to local and state governments:

  • $3 billion to fix state and local roads
  • $750 million for transit operations and capital improvements
  • One-time loan repayments with $236 million for transit capital, $255 million for state highway maintenance, and $225 million for local streets and roads maintenance
  • $400 million for bridge repair and maintenance

Along with our sisters and brothers in California’s Labor Movement, we stood united in strong support of this transportation funding bill because we knew it would be a big deal for our jobs, our communities, our families—and our cars.