Council 57 Vows to Protect Rights of Transgender People

The AFSCME Council 57 Executive Board approved the following resolution in support of Pride Month and to promote fairness in the workplace for all working people:

"Whereas, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) believes in and promotes fairness and equality for all; and

Whereas, AFSCME works to promote policies that prohibit harassment, discrimination and retaliation in employment for our members; and

Whereas, AFSCME works to promote policies that affirm the rights and fair treatment of those we come into contact with in our work; and

Whereas, transgender and gender non-conforming people face discrimination, harassment, abuse and barriers to equal access and treatment in employment, education, family law, youth rights, health care, housing, legal and civil rights, and public accomodation; 

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that AFSCME hereby adopts this resolution to affirm our belief that all people deserve equal access to exercise their rights and receive fair treatment, and commitment to the fair treament of, and freedom from discrimination and harassment, for transgender and gender non-conforming members; and

Be it further resolved that AFSCME will work to strengthen the rights, the ability to be treated equally, and fair access in employment, education, family law, youth rights, health care, housing, legal and civil rights, and public accomodation for transgender and gender non-conforming people; and

Be it further resolved that AFSCME will hold employers to their duty to protect transgender and gender non-conforming employees from any act or threat of physial violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site, and the duty to provide a safe workplace; and

Be it further resolved that AFSCME will advocate for new legislation and strengthen existing federal, state, and local laws to protect transgender and gender non-conforming people from discrimination and harassment, and affirm their rights to fair treatment; and

Be it further resolved that AFSCME shall work towards policies at our workplaces that prohibit harassment, discrimination and retalitation for transgender and gender non-conforming people in all facets of life, including in employment, education, family law, health care, housing, immigration, civil rights, and public accomodation; and

Be it further resolved that AFSCME will work to develop policies and procedures with our employers that are intended to provide clear guidance to employees to promote non-discriminatory actions and positive outcomes and work to increase legal protections for transgender people and their families at the state, local and national level so they are treated with dignity and respect and are able to access the same services that are available to the general public."