A strong, active union in the workplace—where workers pull together to make a real difference—is the only way we can improve the lives of AFSCME members. Stewards are the cornerstone of the union, and effective stewards build stronger unions. If you have an issue on your job or if you're trying to build more power at your workplace, contact your steward today.
Northern Inyo RN Unit:
Anneke Bishop (Chief) OB 760-699-3456 annekebishop@me.com
Heleen Welvaart RHC 760-258-7020 heleen.welvaart@gmail.com
Shauna Schultz PACU 760-920-1013 shaunaiguana@yahoo.com
Brooke Yarnell RHC 661-565-6653 bhaverstock@gmail.com
Becky Street PACU 734-718-6675 bstreet3006@gmail.com
Corie Miller RHC 760-9238279 corie.miller.rn@gmail.com
Sarah Larsen Peds 703-431-0911 sarahlarsen2287@gmail.com
Northern Inyo Technical Unit:
Launa Strickland (Chief) Pt. Access 760-709-6614 launaelaine@icloud.com
Amber Barker Pharm 760-875-8079 amberbarker.c57@yahoo.com
Bree Trimble OB 760-963-2721 bree.trimble@gmail.com
Inyo County:
Perla Vea Gastelum HHS 760-709-0896 gastelum.perla@yahoo.com
Carri Coudek HHS 760-447-0028 carribobs@gmail.com
Vanessa Ruggio (Chief) HHS 760-920-5779 vanessamartinez12@aol.com
Karen Simerlink HHS 714-514-1090 karensimlerink@gmail.com
Laura Boyer HHS 760-590-0732 laura.boyer.afscme@gmail.com
Vivian De la Riva HHS 760-920-4195 viviandelariva70@gmail.com
Andrew Wilkinson HHS 760-264-3506 wilkinson.andrewbodie@gmail.com
Inyo Superior Court:
Jim Lin IT 714-231-0671 jimmybob1973@hotmail.com